Thursday, November 29, 2007

IM in the Library

Technology in the Public Libraries has gotten out of hand. Librarians are scrambling to keep up with the latest; trying to be "with it" to somehow keep the younger generation interested and connected to the Library. I don't think being able to IM the Library will convert a young person into a reader.

Here's an idea. Why not give up. Have instead Technology Centers with nothing but the latest in innovations. And keep the Libraries just that; good old fashioned Libraries; a place to commune with books. There are perhaps enough people left who would appreciate it to keep Libraries around for some time, and relieve the library staff that don't feel the need or desire to jump on the technology bandwagon . The ones who are gung ho can work at the Technology Centers.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Learning Contract: View Problems as Challenges

Participating in Web. 2.0 presents an extreme, frustrating challenge to anyone not acquainted with the overwhelming and mind boggling array of computerology. Even the simpliest task, for example, cutting and pasting, can make one feel out of it and inadequate. There are at least a million different things to learn. Blogs, wikis, webs. The lingo is limitless and contiunally expanding. Are we all drowing in word soup? Why is everyone talking so much? What happened to peace and quiet? One part of me says go for the challenge, the other part says 'let me out of here!"